Friday, January 18, 2013

Vinegar makes a great cleaner

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For household cleaning, plain white vinegar does a good job as an all natural safe cleaner and deodorizer. You can use it on almost any surface and it is very economical.

White vinegar used in a 100% solution will do an excellent job in bathrooms and kitchens. It will break down most stains, including soap scum, grime and most strains of mold and mildew. Put the vinegar in a spray bottle and spray on all the surfaces you want to clean and let it set for 15 minutes. You can also soak dirty shower heads in vinegar.

For pet stains, first blot up the stain with water. Then using a 50-50 mix of water and vinegar, blot the stain. Allow it to sit and then blot it again. If there is a stain, you can mix a little baking soda and mist with your vinegar solution. The chemical reaction will help lift most stains. If you are concerned about your carpet color, test the vinegar solution in an inconspicuous spot.
A water and vinegar solution is safe on most surfaces, you have to avoid stone like marble and travertine.

For the microwave, put a 50% water and vinegar solution in a microwave bowl and heat for 5 minutes. The steam will loosen and clean the inside of the microwave.
For cleaning laminate floors, mix a spray bottle with 25% vinegar and water. Mist your floor and let it set for a few minutes. This mixture will break down almost anything you can track in on your floors. It will also clean without leaving water spots.

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