Friday, November 1, 2013

Paint additive to remove pet odors

I found an interesting product to remove cat urine smell. Urine odor is a difficult problem to solve. Regular cleaners don't always remove all the urine from carpet or wood floors. When urine evaporates, it attaches to moisture in the air and dust particles to be spread throughout the house. On humid days, you can smell the urine again, for years.
The Air-ReNu product is a blend of 27 natural earth minerals that releases negatively charged ions. The odor molecules attract these ions and they cause the air pollutants to become heavier than air and they fall to the ground, removing the odor from the air.
This is the same process that a few companies use to clean the air. The difference is that most of the other products come in a gel form and have to be replaced every few weeks or months. Air-ReNu says that by mixing their product into paint and covering your walls or ceilings, it will release these negative ions for 10 to 12 years.
I've used it in a couple projects so far and the homeowners have had positive reviews. I will update the video in the future with any feedback.

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